Privacy Policy

Alpine Science believes that your privacy is very important and are committed to ensuring its safety. Read the following to learn all about our privacy policy.

Our policy applies to all personal information given and received, including all information from your past use of any of our products and services. We define personal information as anything that would identify you: your address, your phone and email contact information, your name, your preferences, your financial information, as well as other information that is not generally available to the public. This policy applies to Alpine Science.

Alpine Science does gather personal information about you when you register, use any of our products and services, or visit any of our pages or pages of our partners. We may combine information about you with information from other associates and partners.

When you become a customer or register as a member, we collect information about you, such as your name, contact information, birth date, gender, location, occupation and preferences. For purchases and some services we may ask for your relevant personal and financial information. Once you join, we know you—you are not anonymous. We collect information about your interactions with our partners and us. We do this automatically. Your browser also gives us your IP address and cookie information.

As you browse Alpine Science, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. Our display advertising partner, AdRoll, then enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with The techniques our partners employ do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address or telephone number. By using you agree for us to use cookies.

What we do with this information: We do this to personalize your experience and to provide you with the service and/or product you request—nothing more, nothing less. This information allows us to fulfill your requests for our products and services, talk to you, improve our service to you and provide strictly anonymous reporting to other clients.

Children under 13 must have a parent or guardian approve registry and/or use of Alpine Science products and services. We will not contact children under 13 for personal information, sales promotions or marketing purposes.

We don’t rent, sell, give or share any of your personal information unless it’s to provide a service or product you request, or is regulated by confidential requirements. We value our relationship with you and we value your privacy. Your information is never made available without your explicit consent.

You can edit your account and preferences at any time by logging into your account here.

We reserve the right to talk to you about matters related to your use of products and services associated with Alpine Science, including but not limited to announcements, service and administrative updates, order and account information, and health information.

You are always free to terminate your relationship with Alpine Science.


Last updated: October, 25, 2020